Why Do Good People Lose?
Good people losing, bad people succeeding — two sides of the same sucky coin. There are so many people walking around thinking that they’re a good person, but they’re losing at life.
And it can really feel that way sometimes. But what is actually going on below the surface?
It all comes down to individual choices. More times than not, we are creating our own personal hell through the choices we make. Our ego-driven desire based decision-making puts us on a certain path to destruction. Absolutely there are some tough life circumstances that create losing situations, but often, it’s us. Our decisions.
So, if you feel that you’re losing at life — look within. What decisions are you making that are putting you on the wrong path? Or what choices are you not making?
We covered this topic on a recent episode of First Off In My Opinion, so make sure to check it out. Let’s dive in a bit deeper and determine whether good people do, in fact, lose.
We Suck at Decision-Making
It all comes down to this: we’re just not very good at making decisions. Every one of us has a blind spot in decision-making — for some it’s worse than for others, but we all have some area where we make bad decisions.